Kelma is the director of Alfalit Peru since 2017. She has master’s degrees in Social Management from Pontifica Unversidad Catolica of Peru, in TIC.EUCIM from Spain, in Social Development from Geneva, Switzerland, Educational Management from Universidad San Martin de Porras, Lima, Peru, and is a specialist in monitoring and evaluation of social projects. She has been recognized by the Regional Directorate of Education in Peru (MINEDU) in the development of teacher training. Prior to her association with Alfalit Peru, she worked for the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Population, World Vision, and Aldeas Infantiles SOS.
“I’m a teacher and I know that education is the only tool needed to get out of poverty. I feel it is my responsibility to help my brothers and sisters achieve their fundamental right to improve their lives through education,” Kelma says. She is a participant of the Peruvian Evangelical Church. Kelma and her husband are the parents of one boy.