Alone with God

Bible Reading: Psalm 90: 1-12 Today’s Text: The days of our life are seventy years, or perhaps eighty if we are strong; even their span is only toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away. -Psalm 90: 10
It has been said that time does not exist, that time, by itself, is nothing. But that nothing can be converted into something if I fill it with something. Something that, before God and humans, is worth something.
As I begin this devotional, I look back and ask myself if I have made good use of the years that have passed. I remember the good resolutions that I have fulfilled, and I give God thanks for them. But I cannot forget the good purposes that I have failed to accomplish, and I am pained by the weaknesses that have trapped me.
Why did I not accomplish what I proposed? Did I lack faith, courage, or resolve? Or did I try to accomplish my purposes by relying on my strength? Did I fail in prayer? Did I fall into temptations?
How wonderful it would be if I had fulfilled my resolutions during past years.
My first resolution now is not to make any resolution without consulting God or obeying him. And so, alone with God, I apply myself now to listening to his voice and finding his will.
My deep desire is not to waste one single day, nor one single minute of this day. Before God and alone with him, I make my first vow to seek and do his will.
My God, teach me how to value my days so my heart may be filled with wisdom. Help me make firm, holy resolutions in total harmony with your will. Be with me, Lord. Inspire me with your Holy Spirit so that, alone with you, I can meditate and decide what to do each day you give me. In the presence of Christ, and in his name, I pray. Amen.
By: Justo Gonzalez C
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