
Rene Escalera
Executive Director
Zona Taquiña Avenida Centenario y Calle Santa Rosa Frente a la fábrica FABE Cochabamba, Bolivia
- + (011) 591-4430-6397
Total Students enrolled in Bolivia - 2023

Total Students Around the World

Alfalit operative programs
Our literacy programs are the essential tool for your day to day
Amalia Churata Catorceno
23 years old, Entre Rios, Cochabamba, Bolivia
One day, while at the market, I met an Alfalit teacher visiting the community. The teacher told me about the new literacy classes starting right here in the community for anyone that wanted to enroll. So, I registered immediately, and at that moment, the teacher encouraged me and told me that I would learn very quickly. …I’ve learned how to write my name, and I’m learning basic math. I am no longer afraid to talk to people. I feel confident and happy, and no one can ever humiliate me again. I want to continue studying and learning everything I can so I can one day go to college”.