Donate to the Alfalit International Fund
Make a difference in the lives of children and adults in the United States and beyond. Alfalit’s free literacy and educational programs help enable women to build a better future for themselves and their families.
With Alfalit International
Every year 45,000+ students are enrolled in our literacy programs… 85% graduate from our programs.

Literacy for All
Providing literacy for all students free of charge in over 15 countries on 4 continents.
Respecting all persons
RESPECTING ALL PERSONS regardless of gender, race, religion and ethnicity.
Holding ourselves ACCOUNTABLE for delivering quality programs that produce life-changing results.

Love & Compassion
Reaching and teaching as many people as possible with LOVE and COMPASSION.
Conducting our programs and organization with the utmost INTEGRITY.
Challenging ourselves to develop INNOVATIVE programs that meet the real-time needs of the people we serve.