Alfalit brings literacy, a fundamental right of every human being, to Haiti.
See where alfalit works

Zefanias A. Chihulume
Executive Director
Rua de Aleurites Nº۫ 9 R/C Maputo, Mozambique
- +(258) 21 092403
Total Students in Mozambique – 2023

Total Students Around the World

Alfalit operative programs
Alfalit, a world of new opportunities
“I had no idea of the future; my life was limited only to caring for children and a husband, without thinking about the possible opportunities life offers”.
Admira André Faife Vilanculos
Age 30, Chiboene, Moamba
The arrival of the project in my area served as a source of inspiration for me; it allowed me to study without paying anything, an opportunity I never had before. I was blind because I couldn’t read (…)”Admira was part of the literacy project that started in August 2022. She completed the program successfully in February 2023 and received her certificate. She plans to continue her studies until she finishes primary education in public schools because now she knows it is never too late to study.

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