Alfalit brings literacy, a fundamental right of every human being, to Portugal.

Ari Joel De Brito Gomes
Executive Director
- + (011) 351-91-998-4826
Total Students enrolled in Portugal - 2023

Total Students
in Portugal

Alfalit operative programs
The possibility to get a job thanks to new skills and confidence
Aurizanda Gomes
37 years old
“My family is poor. From an early age, I started working in the fields, so I didn’t have the opportunity to go to school. I came to Portugal to get better living conditions for myself and my children. But it was not easy to go to a different country without knowing how to read and write; I couldn’t get a job. At the Accras Association, where I get food aid, I heard that Alfalit teaches people to read and write. I signed up out of fear. I started to learn to read and write very slowly. The hardest were writing and math. It’s been six months, and I can now read and write messages on my mobile phone, subtitles on TV, street names, phone calls, check the time, read prices in supermarkets.”

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